Tuesday, December 19, 2006

please god let me keep this

please god let me keep this

this is not story or thought or imagination

this is real this happening

happening to me but unlucky me happened everyday everyday

every single day I suffer

I suffer from bring away from you all the time

I mean forever and how could I ever be happy if I cant hear, see or even smell

what words shall I hear if it not yours

what light shall I see if it is not reflect from your face

what smell shall I smell if it not yours

you are my legend you are untouchable you totally out of my reach

and unlucky me (again) you don’t love me back

and you wont

I guess that kind stuff no one can know for sure

but I do , to me it is more like science or like 1 plus 1

and through all this pain that kept going for years

I saw that dream it was not just a dream....no

it was more like series of unbelievable

it was me and her ( can you believe this !!)

we talk and talk she was right next to me

I swear I can almost feel her hand for real in world there is no real

above that all I make her smile

I make this lovely angel smile this must be my lucky (dream)

through this Temporary paradise , i wake up

I used to be stupid sometimes but not that much !!

how could I miss this lifetime chance

that is ok

to you it will not be more than a dream

to me it will be my whole memory for next 10 years

I wont be rude and say why I wake up

but please

please god let me keep this


سنـــــدس said...

i don't know why !!!
consider me without feeling

but ur words make me smile

Ahmed said...

لاابدا هيه مش حاجه وحشه انك تبتتسمي
على حاجه زي كده
وانا لما بفتكر الموضوع ببتسم برضو
انا بحب اوي اسلوب الكوميدا السوداء
الي تكون محتاره انك تضحكي ولا تعيطي

وعلى فكره دي اكتر حاجه كتبتها بحبها
وبفضلها عن اي حاجه تانيه مش عارف ليه

سنـــــدس said...

مش قصدي الابتسام من باب كوميدية الموقف او كده
but these words r so onset
صدق او براءة الاحساس بيعطيك نوع من النشوة او الابتهاج بالرغم من الشجن الذي قد يسود المعنى
when the words touch ur heart, u have nothing but to open the door with smile and let them pass to ur soul ...
كلام مكلكع انا عارفه
لكن لم تكن الابتسامه من باب الكوميدية او التقليل من قيمة الاحساس او المعنى

دي برده اكتر مقالة حبتها في البلوج بتاعك

و منتظرة اقراء المزيـــــــد